By Rishabh Batra, Research & Copy Executive, Direct Selling Today

“Through proper education and structured mentorship and training one can succeed in Direct Selling even at doing at the very first time.”

Dear All,

I want to share my most important learnings from my solid 22 years of experience in diverse fields of finance and insurance.Education and Training has been the core importance for my success.

My MBA finance helped me in understanding the financial sector and further guided me to educate myself about financial planning and taxations.

After conducting over 130+ leadership programmes, training 1L+ distributors for building their own financial freedom by adopting direct selling business and curated 75+ online videos exclusively for the direct sellers to act as a catalyst in the development of their own business.

I want to share that over these years I have deeply understood that through proper education, structured mentorship and training one can succeed in Direct Selling even at doing at the very first time.

Our ever progressing digital India makes it easier for everyone to learn and educate themselves online.Your first attempt can be successful because there is ample information available now to understand the tricks of the trade.Let me share my thoughts, my friends, lockdown made us unlearn and relearn even the smallest skills required to keep our business and life afloat.We all had to rethink and rework on our business strategies to keep our team motivated.


Having a mentor makes it easier to succeed in Direct Selling, I have always considered it to be the recipe of my own success through carrying out the entrepreneurial journey.Follow the robust Duplicable Education System through which you can educate, provide skill and build your own team.The dynamic market we all are in today, demands us to up skill our training and the methodology learning techniques.Since the pandemic we have understood that it is important to have multiple sources of income.

Your training and skill can be enhanced by the use of social media and its various tools that are the key to success in Direct Selling.Through generating valuable influencing you are able to motivate and create an army of followers who wish to be associated with you, they believe in the power of you and eventually you are able to convert them into your team mates.

 Because training cannot be responsible alone, education plays an intricate role in building your direct selling business. Various levels of leadership, achievement of ranks and heights involves an active participation of being able to get yourself educated and trained within the proper system.

A trained sales team can generate new opportunities with set targets and can further result in which can huge returns for a direct selling company. The better trained your sales team is, the better results are in  store for your company.

Reach out to our editorial team or Agrima Gupta,Chief Marketing Officer(CMO),Direct Selling Today on or call / whatsapp on +91 9930976468 for featuring your business, your products and your entrepreneurial journey in Indian Direct Selling Industry.

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