Javid Qadir

Javid Qadir

Q1 Your favourite Colour
A1 White

Q2 Your favourite Dish
A2 Kashmiri Wazwaan

Q3 Your favourite Book
A3 Copycat Marketing 101 by Burke Hedges

Q4 Your favourite Author
A4 World Renowned and Business Guru, Dale Carnegie

Q5 Why you like Direct Selling & What is it’s future ?
A5 We make lives better for everyone around us by providing them with enough opportunities to be financially interdependent and gain from being a true entrepreneur.Our business model is such that we endorse leadership.Your true potential is merely harnessed by adopting the core principals of direct selling in everyday. With immense opportunities provided by Fohoway India I feel blessed and grateful along with my team.Our motivation and dedication for the benefit of our industry shall make its mark soon

Q6 Do you have favourite quote to lead your life?
A6 “I believe in doing good therefore I am aware that good things shall happen to me. I have trust love for my people and not things. Things are replaceable but never the people around you”.

Q7 What has made you successful till now?
A7 “The guidance of my Mentors and the faith they have bestowed on me since the beginning of my career”.